
I’m so disappointed in myself. I don't know how to catch up with life. January has been but sleeping my way through most of it. I have always thought that the problem is in the world and that the world is disappointing but now I see that it is only me, that I am the problem. Sure, to be frank, the world is messed up but it has its beauty too. But when its beautiful side fails to make me happy and only makes feel disappointed and depressed, I know. I know it’s me. There are signs everywhere I look, promises of something better, possibilities, chances. But I can’t bear seeing them when I know that I’m only going to let them pass me by.

At the moment I feel depressed, disappointed and hopeless. Yet the not-long-ago-found hope still thrives inside of me, no matter what. I believe I can make things better but I just don't know how. Most of the time it's because I don't know what to do and everything I think of makes me just wonder if any of this matters at all. Say, I think that I maybe I should go to some cafe downtown and read and write and behold people passing by at the street - it sounds like a wonderful idea, something I want to and long to do yet I realize I can't do it because of panic disorder and anxiety, because I let my fears get the best of me. And then there's that I start wondering if anything matters at all and that is there any point is sitting in some cafe all day long? I suppose my freedom is starting to confuse me. I have the possibility of doing whatever I want yet I do absolutely nothing but waste time. I want to do things. I want to live. But I can't do it, can't bring myself to do it. I don't know.

But I'm still trying somehow. The other night I grabbed a sheet paper and some coloured pencils and decided to make a list of things to do in winter. I did come up with a few wonderful ideas such as taking a stroll in the woods, the fields or perhaps down by the river (with a camera of course), cooking or baking something, on a very good day wearing my favourite sweater, curling my hair and putting some lipstick on and taking a notebook, pens, a book and a camera with me in my favourite handbad and heading downtown perhaps to sit in a cafe or in the library, and grabbing a book, making tea, putting a warm sweater on and taking a comfy position in the armchair by the window of my room and reading and drinking tea while listening to birds singing and occasionally glancing at the snowy landscape. That list made me feel better and revived my hope. But I just wonder if any of you have any suggestions? I would love to hear. I have to say though that I feel sort of guilty for having so much freedom and thinking of spending it doing all these wonderful yet almost pointless things when everybody else work hard and study. Yet I feel guilty for not doing these things too. And I know that if I don't start doing these things I'll never get better and used to people and rid of my fears; and that way I can never get a job and start studying.

And yes, this means I'm back. Not making a new blog but continuing here. It's because I missed you all so much and I missed being able to share my words. Lately there's been so many words and I've longed to share them with you. Also, even though I feel embarrassed for being such a failure in life, I want to let you know how I'm doing in getting better and catching up with life, no matter how it is not going the way I wanted.

p.s. I could really use some advide on how to face my fears and finally start doing things and catch up with life by doing those things.


  1. "I have the possibility of doing whatever I want yet I do absolutely nothing but waste time. I want to do things. I want to live. But I can't do it, can't bring myself to do it. I don't know." I am right in that boat with you. *sigh*

    The fact you're still trying to be positive is fabulous. I really love your list. Since I have a lot of free time too, I understand that guilt, hehe. But I think these things are important to do! Let's see... Do you like art? I find bringing out paints and just painting whatever is very calming. Though painting a picture from scratch can get frustrating... It's almost more pleasant to get a blank wooden shape (from a craft store or something) and paint that. Blowing [soap] bubbles is a favourite pastime too. And going to a library/book store/antique shop and just browsing is, as well. Hm, I can't think of anything much better than that... sorry.

    I am probably the worst person to advise on fear, but I've found the things we dread the most just need be done. Even if it's simply going any place where there's a possibilty of social interaction (which I hate, by the way).
    Stop yourself the next time you find yourself saying 'No' to something you (or someone else) has suggested. Think about it; but don't overthink it. At first, try saying yes to things that wouldn't necessarily take very long. Here's my solace: I can live through most any hell for an hour or two. Pathetic solace? Maybe. But it's gotten me through a number of experiences.
    Also, this quote by Eleanor Roosevelt popped into my mind: "You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do."
    Alright, I feel I'm not really saying anything helpful, but I struggle with staying on the outskirts of life too.

    My love and prayers are with you. I am happy you are back. Your new background is beautiful; I love that shade of blue.

    1. Is it strange to say that I'm glad I'm not the only one? It is a great comfort to know that I'm not the only one.

      I love art! I've been drawing and painting ever since I was little. Lately I haven't created much though. I don't know, I'm just not inspired and when I am it never comes out the way I want. I'm a little rusty I guess. Maybe I should try and revive my skills and have some patience too. I think it's a great idea. I find blowing bubbles more fitting for summer since it might get a little sticky indoors. Oh and don't be sorry. There doesn't seem to be much to do in winter.

      I think it's great advice and I think you're being really helpful. The things we dread need to done indeed. I'll just have to find the courage to do so.

      Thank you dear. It comforts me to know that. Thanks. I love that shade of blue too.

  2. Winter is suffocating, but the beautiful gems we come across unexpectedly alleviate some of that. I like the name of your blog ; an ocean heart


    1. It is, isn't it? No matter how you try to believe otherwise, it just is. Thank you. xx

  3. Dearest Lena,

    This is a wonderful list! :) When I am going to start something new, I usually notice my feelings, observe them, watch them intensify and pass, and continue with what I'd like to do.

    I've struggled with anxiety pretty much my whole life... There are still somethings I probably wouldn't do and I think that is okay. So do the things that make you feel most like yourself.

    When it's really cold outside, I love to practice yoga indoors. I also love listening to music and even though I haven't done this much yet, I'd like to gaze out the window more than look at my computer screen. And not always need to be busy, unless I am prone that day to over-think things.

    My prayers are with you as well. <3

    1. Dearest Jade,

      Thank you very much! :) I think that's a good idea - to do things that make me feel most like myself. I shall start with things that make me comfortable and then move gradually out of my comfort zone.

      While I'm quite too much in bad shape to be practicing yoga I think some physical training would do me good. I will have to think about that. Right now I can't do much at all because I hurt my back some time ago and it's only healing. Funny how we stare at our computer screens way too much and sometimes do nothing in the computer but wait for something interesting to happen while we could be gazing out the window and coming up with more ideas than we do while staring at our computer screens. Yeah I think this never-ending sitting by the computer makes things worse. I feel like a zombie, a computer zombie. I think I should seek out to the real world more often.

      It's a great comfort to know that. ♥
