
Sometimes, I cling to you, or the thought of you, like the horizon clings to the sky and sea. Like that, I’m in between you and myself, for you are my sky and I am my sea. I am torn between the sky and the sea, always. The skies pull me higher, offering me a chance and the ocean pulls me deeper, keeping me safe. But safe from what? What’s the catch? For there is always a catch. The skies pull me higher and offer me a chance of something better, but only at the cost of risking my safety and facing my fear of heights. And the ocean pulls me deeper and deeper and keeps me safe from the fall that will eventually occur, but at the same time the line between keeping me safe and keeping me away from happiness is blurred. Why remain safe, in the depths of the ocean just because I will eventually fall? Everyone is ought to fall at some point but no one is ought to remain in the depths, for, let’s face it, the living rise after the fall and the dead do not. Have I done this to myself? Have I subdued the life in me by keeping myself safe and has the safety I have known been no safety at all? We are ought to risk our safety and climb as high as we can and remain in the heights as long as it is possible and eventually fall. The difference between the living and the dead is that the living rise from the depths, eventually, but the dead remain in the depths, forever. I am torn between the sky and the sea. I am neither alive or dead, I am in between.

I am torn between you and me. You could be my way out. But, at least for now, I am my way deeper in. Sometimes I cling to you, sometimes I cling to me. When will I cling to happiness? Or will I always cling to the depths?


  1. In response to your comment (in your previous post), I have been through depression and I know how destructive it is. Those were undoubtedly the darkest days of my life. You do not have to live with it. There are ways out. But I don't want to force anything on you, so that's why I'm saying, email me if you ever want to. It is only my concern for you that makes me say these things. I don't like to see somebody in such depths of despair.
    (Ps, I am not talking about religion.)

  2. Thank you for saying that I don't have to live with it and that there are ways out. It's something I no longer believe in because I don't know how to. I don't think you are forcing anything on me. If anything, I can see that you have a concern for me. I might email you. I would love to talk to someone who has been through depression and I would love to know how you did it.

    (Ps. I'm not sure why would you think that I would think that you are talking about religion. Neverthless, let me say that you can talk about religion if you want. It's not something I do not want to talk about. More so, it is something I want to talk about.)
