
First snow landed yesterday evening, veiling the city in white from earth to skies. This is our first winter in our new house. The view from my window is beautiful. It is not yet a white landscape but a white and green one. Skeletal trees and tall pine trees reach out towards a white sky and the ground is like a quilt of green and white patches as the snow only covers parts of the ground. A white soft light glows outside. I have my window open and the sound of birds singing carries inside. If I were to describe today in one word that word would be tranquil. The house is quiet and the outdoor world is quiet, everything seems to be stagnant, as if time itself had stopped. The only sound is silence and birds singing. Not even the wind dares to dance today. It is a beautiful day. It is Independence Day today here and we are going to eat and watch tv together and go for a stroll later in the beautiful landscape. Everything seems quietly happy today. It is as if happiness is a soft mist that crawls slowly, almost lucidly and veils everything quietly. Happiness does not seem all that intimidating this way. If only every day could be like today. The snow is already melting away slowly as I write but I'm happy nevertheless. There is just something about this winter, a sense of something promising and good.


  1. This is incredibly beautiful, both the photographs (the first one especially, perfect) and your delicate words. You are such a gifted writer, no doubt about that. Reading this made me yearn for snow! The quiet calm after the first snowfall, the soft silence, ah yes, a wonderful and magical experience. Lovely.

  2. It will be my first winter in my new home as well. (I moved in May) We might have snow here tomorrow. Looking forward to it :)

    I love the way you present your ideas in an effortless, flowing stream...one idea and then the next...gracefully.

    You are wonderful!
    Both your words and the spirit behind them.

  3. As I read this, a feeling of peace and a faint happiness crept over me. Your beautiful writing always amazes me; it really does. You've truly captured so eloquently what is so enchanting about snowy days; they really do have a special quiet all their own.
    I'm yearning for snow as well, now. But as our temperature has been lingering in the exasperatingly warm degrees of early autumn, I doubt this will happen soon. *sigh*

  4. So peaceful. I wish I were there xxx

  5. There is something celestial about snow falls- as if the heavens above are pouring soft cotton everywhere .

    adoration. for your blog

    sending you happy spells

